The B hcg hormone is a hormone that helps to determine whether or not pregnancy is present. If there is no pregnancy, the beta-Hcg level is between 0-10 mlU/ml. If there is a pregnancy, this varies depending on the week.5-10 mlU/ml: 3rd week5-426 mlU/ml: 4th week20-7340 mlU/ml: 5th week1080-56000 mlU/ml: 6th week7600-230000 mlU/ml: 7th-8th week25700-288000 mlU/ml: 9th-12th week13300-255000 mlU/ml: week 13-164000-165000 mlU/ml: week 17-243640-117000 mlU/ml: 25-40th week
The Fsh hormone ensures the growth and development of the egg. This test checks whether there is a decrease in ovarian reserve. It is usually checked within the first 5 days of menstruation.
The LH hormone increases in the middle of menstruation and provides for ovulation. It is also a hormone that supports the hatching of the egg.
Prolactin hormone is an effective hormone in milk secretion and its high level prevents pregnancy. The reason for the high level of this hormone can also be an underactive thyroid gland.
Dheas is a male hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It can increase if there is a problem in the adrenal glands.
Testosterone, a male hormone, is seen in women with menstrual disorders. It is also seen in women with hair growth and polycystic ovary syndrome.